Fire Safety Quiz

Does your occupancy exceed the minimum number of portable fire extinguishers required by code?
Does your occupancy have exit signs and emergency lighting on all floors?
Have the occupants of your building been educated about proper evacuation procedures and locations of all exit ways?
Have you designated a member of building personnel to monitor maintenance of all fire protection equipment?
Does your occupancy exceed the minimum number of fire/smoke alarms required by code?
Have you conducted general fire product training with building occupants and personnel?
Do you have a rack hose installed according to code?
Have key building personnel identified a trained on-site emergency first responder?
Has the fire suppression system been inspected and found adequate for the current fire hazards?
Does your building have a fire protection standpipe station on each level?
Do you know when the last time the pressure gauges on all your fire extinguishers were checked?
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