Portable Fire Extinguishers Quiz

The four simple steps for operating a fire extinguisher can be remembered with the word PASS. Pull, Activate, Squeeze, Sweep.
To remember the rules of fighting fires, just remember the three A's: Activate, Assist, and Attempt.
There are four classes of fire, Class A, B, C, and K.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected or checked every 60 days.
Multipurpose dry chemical extinguishers are effective on all classes except D and K fires.
After the fire has been extinguished, it is important to watch the site for re-ignition.
According to local, state and national codes and regulations, fire extinguishers must be maintained bi-annually.
The four elements that must be present for fire to exist include heat, oxygen, fuel, and a chemical reaction between the three.
Class B fires are those fires that occur involving paper and wood.
The concept of fire prevention is to keep these elements separate.
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